Tuesday, December 13, 2011


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Nensi Safita Nirmala Dewi







A. Introduction

In principle, mathematics is an abstract subject. So that learning can take place effectively and achieved the required learning objectives are ways to develop mathematics in secondary schools. Teachers are required in the implementation of creative learning. In addition, curriculum development today is Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) has not been implemented to the maximum. In general, teacher-centered learning so that students only receive what is given to their teachers.

In achieving the purpose of learning, teachers must be able to change the traditional methods of teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning. This is so that students can develop an active and potential.

B. Steps to Develop The Learning of Mathematics

1. Lesson Plan

Lesson plan is a plan that describes the procedures and organization of learning to achieve a basic competence specified in the Contend Standards and have been outlined in the syllabus. Learning implementation plan containing at least learning objectives, learning materials, teaching methods, learning resources, and assessment of learning outcomes.

Lesson plan has several objectives including:

a. Provide an opportunity for educators to plan learning interactive and can be used to explore all potential skill compound owned by individual learners.

b. Provide an opportunity for educators to design learning in accordance with the needs of the students, the ability og educators, and school-owned facilities.

c. Facilitate the implementation of the learning process.

d. Facilitate the implementation of the evaluation of the learning process as input for the further improvement in the lesson plan.

Benefit of lesson plas are as follows:

a. Improving the ability of teachers in designing learning as part of the pedagogical competence of teachers should process. This is very useful in the learning develop.

b. The learning process is carried out will be more focused because of the learning objectives, materials that will be taught and assessment methods to be used have been planned by various considerations.

c. Increasing confidence of educators at the time of learning because the whole process was well planned.

2. Student Work Sheet

Generally student work sheet is learning as a complementary device or means of supporting the implementation of Lesson Plan .Student worksheets form of sheets of paper in the form of information or matters (questions) that must be answered by learners is related to the material being taught to achieve the goal of teaching. Activity sheet contains instructions, the steps to complete a task. The tasks given to students can be either theory or practice. Student work sheet is very well used to promote the involvement of learners in learning both in the application of the method used to provide training and guided development.

The objective of student work sheet:

a. Provide the knowledge and attitudes and skills that need to be owned by students.

b. Check the level of students' understanding of the material that has been presented.

c. Develop and apply the subject matter is difficult to learn.

d. Train students to think more steadily in the teaching and learning activities.

e. Improve student interest in learning process, for example, teachers make worksheets more systematic, color and image to attract attention in studying the work sheet.

f. As an alternative to direct teacher instruction or introducing a particular activity.

g. To accelerate the learning process and time-efficient teaching.

h. Able to optimize the limited teaching tool because students can use tools interchangeably.

While the benefits gained by the use of worksheets in the learning process is as follows.

a. Enabling learners in the learning process.

b. Assist learners in developing the concept.

c. Train learners in the process of finding and developing skills.

d. For guidance of teachers and learners in carrying out the learning process.

e. Help learners acquire a record of material learned through the learning activities.

f. Helping learners to add information about the concepts learned through the learning activities systematically.

By looking at the description of objectives and functions of work sheet above, it has a very large role in the learning process, because it can enhance students' activity, which can also help teachers to guide students discover concepts through their own activities. Besides that LKS may also develop process skills, enhance students' activity and can optimize the learning outcomes.

3. Small Group Discussion

Small group discussion is a process that involves small groups in an informal face to face interaction with the aim of sharing experiences or information, solve problems or make decisions.The discussion group is one strategy that allows students to master a concept, it can enhance the creativity of students, fostering the ability to interact, as well as language skills.

Small group discussions aimed as follows:

a. Students can each member information or experience in exploring new ideas or problems to be solved by them.

b. Students can develop their knowledge and skills for thinking and communication.

c. Students are involved in planning and decision making.

Benefits of small group discussions. Small group discussion is useful for students to:

a. Students can share information in exploring new ideas or solve a problem.

b. Improve the understanding of important issues.

c. Nurtured a healthy spirit of cooperation as well as a cohesive group and responsible.

d. Improve discipline.

e. Increase motivation to learn.

f. Increasing involvement in planning and decision making.

g. Develop the ability to think and communicate

General measures following the implementation of this discussion.

a. Formulate the problem clearly.

b. With a teacher-led students to form discussion groups, choose discussion leaders (chairman, secretary, rapporteur), adjust the seat, room, facilities, and so on in accordance with the purpose of discussion.

c. Implement the discussion. Each member of the discussion should know exactly what will be discussed and how to discuss. Discussions should walk in free atmosphere, each member knows that they have the same right to speak.

d. Report the results of their discussion. The results are taken by all students, especially from other groups. Teachers give a reason or explanation for the report.

e. Finally, students record the results of discussions, and teachers to collect reports from each group discussion.

The power of discussion that can be utilized include:

a. The group has a rich minds that produce good decisions.

b. Group members can motivate each other.

c. In small groups students are shy can more freely express their opinions.

d. More group members feel bound to decision making.

e. Discussion groups can enhance the understanding of self and others.

Weaknesses discussion groups include:

a. Discussion groups require more time than the usual way of learning.

b. Can waste time if the direction is not quite right, talks drag on, the less good performance.

c. Members of groups that are less aggressive (quiet, shy) often do not get a chance to put forward ideas that led to withdrawal.

d. Sometimes the discussion is dominated by certain people.

4. Various Interaction

Teaching learning process will always be a process of human interaction between two human elements, namely the students as those who learn, and teachers as those who taught, with students as the subject anyway. In the process the process of interaction between students and teachers, required supporting component such as, among others, has called on the traits of educational interaction.

The component is in the process of teaching and learning is said to be a technical process that can not be separated.

Teacher interaction with pupils may be interaction between the teachers with the whole class, the interaction between teachers and small groups or the interaction between teachers and the individual. Teacher interaction with the entire class the teacher explained to all students in the classroom.. Teacher interaction in small groups is the direction to the students in the learning process while the interaction of the individual teacher to student is the teacher invites the individual to determine the extent to which students are familiar with the lesson being taught.

5. Various Teaching Method

Method of Learning is a way of doing or presenting, describing, giving examples, and provide training content to students to achieve certain goals. Learning methods can be said is part of the instructional strategy. But not all the learning methods used appropriate to achieve specific learning goals.

Manner or method of teaching as a means of achieving goals, requires knowledge about the goal itself, because it is the formulation of goals is most clearly an essential requirement before determining a teacher in selecting appropriate teaching methods. Selection of appropriate teaching methods that will foster student interest, the more variety of teaching methods are provided to students will foster interest and motivate students to want to learn, and because it also will enhance the student learning outcomes.

In choosing a method of teaching a teacher should consider several things, namely:

a. Appropriateness of teaching methods used by student ability.

b. The ability of teachers in using such methods.

c. Appropriateness of teaching methods used by the facilities available.

d. Appropriateness of teaching methods used by educational environment.

The use of improper methods in teaching and learning will lead to students not motivated to learn or be able to lead students into passive learners, so that low learning outcomes.

Position in teaching and learning methods

a. Method as a motivational tool extrinsic, none of teaching and learning activities that do not use the method.

b. Method as a teaching strategy.

c. Method as a tool for achieving goals. The purpose of teaching and learning will never be achieved as long as the other components is not required, one of which is a component method.

Various kinds of teaching methods, teaching methods can be divided into:

a. Methods of teaching individual

1) Lecture method

2) Question and answer method

3) Discussion method

4) Method of demonstration

5) Method of field trip

6) Methods driil

b. Methods of teaching groups

1) Seminar

2) Symposium

3) Forum

4) Panel

5) Deliberation of work

There are various methods, such as teaching methods of individual and group learning methods. Method can be selected according to the learning objectives.

6. Student Reflection

Reflection, a key component of many writing classes, is vital to the success of a service-learning course. Reflection is a process of examining and interpreting experience to gain new understanding.

Reflection activities. Reflection is integral to the service-learning experience in the following ways: Reflection transforms experience into genuine learning about individual values and goals and about larger social issues. Reflection challenges students to connect service activities to course objectives and to develop higher-level thinking and problem solving.

Reflection works against the perpetuation of stereotypes by raising students' awareness of the social structures surrounding service environments.

By fostering a sense of connection to the community and a deeper awareness of community needs, reflection increases the likelihood that students will remain committed to service beyond the term of the course.

The following tips for facilitating reflection are:

a. Schedule regular opportunities for guided and purposeful reflection.

b. Communicate in writing students' responsibilities for reflection and provide well-defined criteria for evaluating their participation.

c. Seek to engage each student in both group and individual reflection activities.

d. Challenge each student to assess the knowledge, values, and skills he or she brings to the project.

e. Establish norms of behavior and a framework for reflection that guides students from objective observations and subjective responses to interpretation, awareness, and action.

f. Devote some reflection time to orienting students to people and problems they will encounter and allowing students to practice skills that will be required, such as active listening and observing.

g. Seek closure on emotional issues by the end of each reflective session.

h. Leave some cognitive and topical issues open for ongoing discussion to encourage reflection between class sessions.

Reflection activities may include any or all of the following:

a. Journals

b. Reflective papers

c. Class discussions

d. Small-group discussions

e. Presentations

f. Responses to course readings

Responses to outside readings, media content, and experiences relevant to the issues surrounding the service activity

g. Electronic discussions (e.g., chat, e-mail, online forum)

h. Varying activities will accommodate multiple learning styles and will help students understand reflection as part of the learning process, not as an isolated activity.

7. Cognitive Schema

Cognitive schema associated with the sequence of materials provided by the teacher. If the teacher wrong in determining the order, then students will be difficult to understand. The order of these materials will affect the student’s understanding of the material present. For example for studying the integral. We must know first derivative. But if teachers provide material about first integral, then students will have difficulty accepting them because they do not understand the basic concepts of the integral.

8. Student Conclusion

Conclusion of student is the conclusion drawn by students from the discussion of a matter that has been delivered by the teacher. Inferences by these students can train students to think critically. With the students draw their own conclusion, then students will more easily remember material that is taught at the time and memories that will last long time. Unfortunately, not all students can easily their own conclusion about was he has learned.

9. Apperception

Apperception is unifying and assimilating an observation based on experience that has been owned and then understand. In this apperception, teacher should not remember back by talking and explaining. However, students are given a problem to keep the stored memories resurfaced. This method can also make the students ready to learn Mathematics

10. Assessment

Assessment is the process of collecting and processing information to determine of achievement of learning outcomes. Assessment participants was used to determine student’s. understanding of the materials being taught. The general purpose of the assessment is to assess learner achievement of competencies, improve the learning process and as acompilation of students progress reports. While it’s function is a material consideration in determining the increase of the classroom, feedback in the improvement of teaching and learning, increase students motivation, and self evalution of student performance.

11. Various Teaching Media and Various Teaching Aids

Learning media is anything that is used in leraning activities in order to stimulate thought, feeling, interest, attention of students so that the process of educational communication interaction between teachers and students can take place appropriately. The function of instructional media is to increase stimulation of learners in learning activities and assist students in the learning process. Props are learning tool that help student in abstract think in mathematics. These props help the students foe example of visual aids is a wake shaped three dimensional box (cube)

C. Conclusion

For that we need the steps in the process of learning to the development of mathematics can proceed smoothly. in each of these steps teachers must be creative in memimbing protege.

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