Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Disampaikan pada Simposium Guru
“Pengembangan Profesional dan Kompetensi Guru
Dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan SLTP”
11-15 Nopember 2002
Hotel sahid Yogyakarta

Reviewed by Nensi Safita N. D (http://09301241005.blogspot.com)

Most teachers of mathematics still implements traditional mathematical learning, ie learning
mathematics by relying on a single method expository with the cycle:explain, give examples, ask questions and give the task in the classical style. With this method then the math teachers havedifficulties in serving the various needs / demands of the students in learningmathematics, encouraging students to improve achievement of low achieverslearning, encouraging students to actively learn, use anddevelop learning tools and to encourage students to learn mathematicsthrough cooperation.

Action research aims to develop methods of teaching mathematicscan meet the needs / demands of a wide range of academic demands of students,improving learning achievement, encouraging students to learn actively,develop props and encourage cooperation. This action researchconfine himself within the scope of the teacher's teaching style is reflected bylearning model that was developed in a particular class in the periodtime has been determined also. Context learningis fixed is the classroom, students and teachers themselves, whereas the contextlearning that is changing is the model of learning, teaching styleand other aspects of learning which includes materials, teaching resources, timeimplementation of learning.
Teachers' efforts in meeting the various demands of the student's academic,encourage students to improve achievement of low achievers,encourage students to learn actively, and encourage students to learn throughcooperation, can be done by developing the Student Worksheet, the formation of study groups, development of teaching aids and educational media.
In an attempt to develop a model of learning, teachers have sought to develop methodslearning in accordance with the purpose of action research; but the teacherexperiencing technical difficulties, academic and fundamental. Technical difficultiesteachers in developing teaching methods that have nottersediannya tools or learning the necessary facilities. Academic difficulties teachers in developing teaching methodsisincompatibility has not been the perception of teachers about learning mathematics modelwith meaning pembelaaran model referred in accordance with the theory.
Teachers can make efforts to increase kualitiaslearning of mathematics through the development of ways / methodsto meet various needs / demands of academicstudents, encourage students to learn actively, encourage studentslearn to cooperate, and try to startdevelop a learning tool to use technologythe modern. In developing methods of learning, the teacher suggested:• planning a mathematics learning environment• plan mathematical activities• develop the role of teacher• set the time to whom and when to perform activitiesmathematics together / not together students• observe student activities• evaluate yourself• assess understanding, processes, skills, facts and results• assess the results and monitor student progress.
(Principal) should:a. create a conducive atmosphere so that teachers candevelop their creativity in developing a modellearning.b. encourage diversity of sources and methodslearningc. changing role of the principal oversight function toservice functions and cooperationd. create conditions that teachers and students canprovide the initiativee. do not use "NEM from EBTANAS" as thethe only benchmark of success school.f. encourage teachers and students to bersikat independent anddevelop ethics and mutual respectg. provide an opportunity for teachers to revisecurriculum / syllabush. involve parents / students to participate inprogram development pembelaarani. establish cooperation with other educational institutionsin order to obtain insight about the need for innovationmathematics educationj. develop learning-oriented evaluationto processk. seek completeness of equipment and educational facilities
Suggestions for governmentsa. provide an opportunity for the school todevelop appropriate learning programswith the characteristics of schools and surrounding communitiesb. restructure the education system so that the systemeducation that is developed is able to absorbaspirations / local conditionsc. review the national curriculum to be replacedwith local curriculumd. reviewing the system avaluasi "EBTANAS"
Advice for college educational institutions (LPTKs)a. develop innovative LPTK as a function of fieldeducation (mathematics)b. pioneered the field of education reformc. advise the government on reformcurriculum and education systemd. develop educational programs based onresults of research and theoretical studiese. establish cooperation with schools in the innovationeducational

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